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Began piano at the age of four, soon after won the Georges Auric prize and performed for the first time on France Musique two years later. Studied harmony, composition and jazz improvization and, simulataneously, scenography, photography and lighting at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Déco in Paris. After 5 years study he majors in audiovisual direction.He released his first C.D. with European leader Koka Media.

Began piano at the age of four, soon after won the Georges Auric prize and performed for the first time on France Musique two years later. Studied harmony, composition and jazz improvization and, simulataneously, scenography, photography and lighting at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Déco in Paris. After 5 years study he majors in audiovisual direction.He released his first C.D. with European leader Koka Media.

Album Titel Vers. Länge Komponist/Autor Beschreibung Suchbegriffe Key BPM
CEO2012 Under History Wheel
[CEO2012 - 1]
7 2'03 Bruno Alexiu Tragic & imposing overture. Orchestra with French horns & timpanies. sowietisch historischer Konflikt unerbittlich kriegerisch ... A 128
CEO2012 Under History Wheel #2
[CEO2012 - 2]
0 1'37 Bruno Alexiu Urgent & lyrical. Symphonic orchestra. Constant progression. Powerful ... historischer Konflikt unerbittlich tragisch kriegerisch ... Am 124
CEO2012 Under History Wheel #3
[CEO2012 - 3]
0 0'54 Bruno Alexiu Threatening & heavy. Symphonic orchestra. kriegerisch historische Erzählung historischer Konflikt unerbittlich ... D 136
CEO2012 Under History Wheel #4
[CEO2012 - 4]
0 0'45 Bruno Alexiu Tragic & lyrical. Symphonic orchestra. historischer Konflikt unerbittlich historische Erzählung Politik ... Gm 126
CEO2012 Under History Wheel #5
[CEO2012 - 5]
0 1'07 Bruno Alexiu Tragic & powerful. Symphonic orchestra & mixed choir @ 0'31. historischer Konflikt unerbittlich historische Erzählung tragisch ... Gm 122
CEO2012 Under History Wheel #6
[CEO2012 - 6]
0 1'19 Bruno Alexiu Tragic & threatening. Symphonic orchestra & mixed choir @ 0'18. tragisch historischer Konflikt metrisch betont ... Gm 108
CEO2012 Under History Wheel #7
[CEO2012 - 7]
0 0'56 Bruno Alexiu Tragic & dark. Symphonic orchestra & mixed choir @ 0'18. historischer Konflikt Schicksal historische Erzählung unerbittlich ... Gbm 110
CEO2012 Under History Wheel #8
[CEO2012 - 8]
0 0'59 Bruno Alexiu Interrogative & narrative wait. Symphonic orchestra. historische Erzählung Schicksal historischer Konflikt bedrückend ... Abm 83
CEO2011 Abdalah the Shaman
[CEO2011 - 1]
1 2'00 Bruno Alexiu Mystical, bewitching & cinematic. female vocal & orchestra with ... Dokufiktion Geopolitik Mittlerer Osten Ethnische Solistin Stimme ... Ebm 90
CEO2011 Abdalah the Shaman 2
[CEO2011 - 3]
0 1'31 Bruno Alexiu Bewitchind & determined. Orchestra, ethnic percussion & female vocal ... Abenteuerkino Dokufiktion hypnotisch Maghreb ... Ebm 90
CEO2011 Woman in White
[CEO2011 - 6]
0 2'32 Bruno Alexiu Moving & bewitching. Female voice, strings & harp. bewegend luftig Bazantar abwartend ... Dm 110
CEO2011 Moroccan Wedding
[CEO2011 - 9]
0 2'14 Bruno Alexiu Bewitching suspended atmosphere. Treated voice, strings & electronics. Drone Music hypnotisch mystisch ziellos ... D 117
CEG5018 Why we fight
[CEG5018 - 2]
0 2'31 Bruno Alexiu Oppressive, mysterious & threatening. Heavy & dark loops with ... beunruhigend Spannung Spionage-Filme Industrie ... Cm 74
CEO2011 In The Mountains
[CEO2011 - 16]
0 0'47 Bruno Alexiu Moving & panoramic. String orchestra. Dokufiktion Abenteuerkino abwartend Panorama ... D 74
CEZ4081 Sadly Go Round
[CEZ4081 - 1]
0 2'44 Bruno Alexiu Bizarre & nostalgic. Barrel organ, percussion & strings. Halloween Animationsfilme feenhaft Zauberer & Seiltänzer ... Am 172
CEZ4051 Why we fight
[CEZ4051 - 10]
0 2'30 Bruno Alexiu Heavy & dark loops with metallic chimes & soundtrack fx. historischer Konflikt toxisch Drone Music Actionfilme ... Cm 148
CEZ4081 Magical Mystery Box
[CEZ4081 - 2]
0 2'29 Bruno Alexiu Deceptively childlike & disturbing. Musical box & electronics. Krimikomödie feenhaft Halloween mysteriös ... Gm 60
CEZ4051 The Final Wait
[CEZ4051 - 1]
0 2'21 Bruno Alexiu Pure suspense. Long dark & dynamic string ambience. Naturkatastrophe Drone Music historische Erzählung abwartend ... Gbm 108
CEO2011 The Visit
[CEO2011 - 14]
0 0'43 Bruno Alexiu Mystical & bewitching. female vocal & percussion. frühe Kunst untergegangene Zivilisationen Geopolitik hypnotisch ... Ebm 65
CEO2011 Mystical Desert
[CEO2011 - 19]
0 1'20 Bruno Alexiu Wandering & uncertain. Strings played in the Arabian style & ... Sandwüste Bazantar trostlos Dokufiktion ... G 110
CEZ4101 Film Festival
[CEZ4101 - 18]
0 0'53 Bruno Alexiu Enchanting & majestic. Orchestra. verbindend happy end Abenteuerkino majestätisch ... D 76
CEZ4058 Blue Ribbon
[CEZ4058 - 6]
0 2'36 Bruno Alexiu Mysterious & inspiring. Atmospheric strings & guitar with bass ... luftig das weite Meer mysteriös Panorama ... F 86
CEZ4052 On a Clear Day
[CEZ4052 - 8]
0 2'30 Bruno Alexiu Content. Uplifting sound design with reverse drone & piano. hell ruhig erstickt friedlich ... Eb 63
CEZ4052 Eternal Snow
[CEZ4052 - 22]
0 2'38 Bruno Alexiu Cold & empty. Swirling low drone with icy synth & guitar @ 0'28. atmosphärisch abwartend schlicht kalt ... Abm 70
CEZ4052 Minus Zero
[CEZ4052 - 23]
0 2'26 Bruno Alexiu Inhospitable. Fragile & brittle piano sounds with cold drone. kalte Wüstenlandschaft kalt atmosphärisch abwartend ... Ab 65
CEZ4052 Blizzard
[CEZ4052 - 24]
0 2'39 Bruno Alexiu Exposed & lost. Haunting glassy synth with wind fx. panoramabild trostlos Drone Music abwartend ... A 118
CEZ4081 The Hell Dwellers
[CEZ4081 - 31]
0 2'26 Bruno Alexiu Frightening & bestial. Electro-acoustic. Horrorfilme erschreckend paranormal Science-Fiction-Filme ... Cm 118
CEZ4051 Massive Destruction
[CEZ4051 - 13]
0 2'41 Bruno Alexiu Apocalyptic soundscape. Vibrating drone & random low strings. grollend Drone Music erstickt toxisch ... E 112
CEZ4051 Urban Guerilla
[CEZ4051 - 16]
0 3'02 Bruno Alexiu Alert & wary. Modern percussive fx with distant held drone. Drone Music unsicher ruckartig wild ... Dbm 96
CEZ4051 Battle Plan
[CEZ4051 - 32]
0 2'38 Bruno Alexiu Eve of war. Low piano & bass drone with military drum & fx. historischer Konflikt Drone Music Abwartend schlicht ... C 111
CEZ4051 Final Verdict
[CEZ4051 - 33]
0 2'06 Bruno Alexiu Judgement. Low drone with military drums & leggato cellos. unerbittlich historischer Konflikt düster beunruhigend ... Dm 65
CEZ4051 Ruins & Tears
[CEZ4051 - 34]
0 2'27 Bruno Alexiu Aftermath of battle. Shimmering empty drone & military drum. historischer Konflikt atmosphärisch Militärtrommel trostlos ... C 111
CEZ4597 The Magic of Snowflakes
[CEZ4597 - 9]
1 3'54 Bruno Alexiu Naive, angelic, meditating, translucent, magical & peaceful. Celesta, ... Meer verträumt Celesta Filmmusik ... Dbm 64
CEZ4597 The Magic of Snowflakes ...
[CEZ4597 - 19]
0 3'54 Bruno Alexiu Alternate version without strings. Meer verträumt Celesta Filmmusik ... Dbm 64
CEZ4597 Frozen in Time
[CEZ4597 - 10]
1 3'10 Bruno Alexiu Atmospheric, suspended, motionless, melancholic & dreamy. Synth pads, ... kalte Wüstenlandschaft atmosphärisch fantastisches Kino mysteriös ... Fm 70
CEZ4597 Frozen in Time Alternate
[CEZ4597 - 21]
0 3'10 Bruno Alexiu Alternate version without strings. charmant kalte Wüstenlandschaft feenhaft atmosphärisch ... Fm 70
CEZ4597 Frost in the Pines
[CEZ4597 - 8]
1 3'24 Bruno Alexiu Suspended, celestial, panoramic, narrative, restrained, magical & ... mysteriös unabhängiges amerikanische Kino abwartend fantastisches Kino ... F 88
CEZ4597 Frost in the Pines Alternate
[CEZ4597 - 20]
0 3'24 Bruno Alexiu Alternate version without high pitch synth sequence. mysteriös unabhängiges amerikanische Kino charmant abwartend ... F 88
CEZ4597 The Sleep of Nature
[CEZ4597 - 7]
1 3'31 Bruno Alexiu Atmospheric, wandering, windy, melancholic & mysterious. Harp with ... Soundtrack mysteriös charmant Schicksal ... Gm 76
CEZ4597 The Sleep of Nature Alternate
[CEZ4597 - 18]
0 3'31 Bruno Alexiu Alternate version without synth layers & crystalline fx. mysteriös orchestral score Soundtrack charmant ... Gm 110
CEZ4597 Christmas Santa Sleigh
[CEZ4597 - 6]
1 3'41 Bruno Alexiu Joyful, magical & carefree. Celesta, keys, bells, choir & strings. ... Weihnachten zärtlich Animationsfilme Celesta ... Ebm 108
CEZ4597 Christmas Santa Sleigh ...
[CEZ4597 - 17]
0 3'40 Bruno Alexiu Alternate version without bass synth. Weihnachten zärtlich Animationsfilme Celesta ... Bbm 108
CEZ4597 Winter Wonderland
[CEZ4597 - 4]
1 3'41 Bruno Alexiu Crystalline, restrained, tender, magical, translucent, & dreamy. ... feenhaft Celesta Filmmusik kristallin ... Em 88
CEZ4597 Winter Wonderland Alternate
[CEZ4597 - 15]
0 3'41 Bruno Alexiu Alternate version without strings. feenhaft Celesta charmant Filmmusik ... Em 88
CEZ4597 Told by the Wind
[CEZ4597 - 5]
1 3'22 Bruno Alexiu Atmospheric, crystalline, suspended, windy, cyclical & mysterious. ... hypnotisch nächtlich unabhängiges amerikanische Kino investigativ ... A 110
CEZ4597 Told by the Wind Alternate
[CEZ4597 - 16]
0 3'15 Bruno Alexiu Alternate version synth pads only. unabhängiges amerikanische Kino investigativ mysteriös Filmmusik ... Am 137
CEZ4597 Season of Quiet
[CEZ4597 - 3]
1 4'12 Bruno Alexiu Suspended, celestial, pensive, ethereal, sparse, crystalline & ... introspektiv Liebesfilme Soundtrack ruhig ... Dm 100
CEZ4597 Season of Quiet Alternate
[CEZ4597 - 14]
0 4'12 Bruno Alexiu Alternate version piano only. introspektiv Liebesfilme Soundtrack ruhig ... Dm 100
CEZ4597 Winter Walking Reverie
[CEZ4597 - 2]
1 2'55 Bruno Alexiu Charming, tender, delicate, peaceful & intimate. Piano, strings, ... zärtlich verträumt Land & Garten zart ... C 118
CEZ4597 Winter Walking Reverie ...
[CEZ4597 - 13]
0 2'56 Bruno Alexiu Alternate version without strings. zärtlich verträumt Land & Garten zart ... C 118
CEZ4597 Fairy Winterland
[CEZ4597 - 1]
2 3'12 Bruno Alexiu Twirling, airy, magical, fairytale-like & enchanting. Harp arpeggios ... feenhaft verträumt Filmmusik Harfe ... Em 140
CEZ4597 Fairy Winterland Alternate 1
[CEZ4597 - 11]
0 3'12 Bruno Alexiu Alternate version without harp. verträumt Filmmusik fantastisches Kino mysteriös ... E 140
CEZ4597 Fairy Winterland Alternate 2
[CEZ4597 - 12]
0 3'10 Bruno Alexiu Alternate version without strings. charmant feenhaft verträumt Filmmusik ... Em 140
CEZ4500 Sadly Go Round
[CEZ4500 - 30]
0 2'43 Bruno Alexiu Mysterious, haunted, ghostly & shimmering. Barrel organ, percussion & ... Halloween Zauberer & Seiltänzer paranormal Horrorfilme ... Am 86
CEO2139 Prayer for Rain
[CEO2139 - 7]
0 2'49 Bruno Alexiu 1st part with low & powerful cinematic percussion evolving with ... Geopolitik atmosphärisch trostlos Naturkatastrophe ... Dm 108
CEO2139 Voice from the Summits
[CEO2139 - 14]
0 3'10 Bruno Alexiu Ethnic, wild, mystical & meditative. Female voice with reverb fx, ... Frauen ethnische Stimmen Geopolitik Zentralasien trostlos ... E 66
CEO2139 The Ever-Present Threat
[CEO2139 - 13]
0 3'35 Bruno Alexiu 1st part. Profound & menacing low drone with intermittent & dramatic ... Geopolitik beunruhigend Spannung Filmmusik ... C 62
CEO2139 When the Moon Rises
[CEO2139 - 12]
0 2'25 Bruno Alexiu Dark, introspective & ethnic introduction with drone & duduk. ... bewegend fx reverb Geopolitik Duduk ... Am 72
CEO2139 Savage Landscape
[CEO2139 - 11]
0 3'04 Bruno Alexiu 1st part: toxic, threatening & resonant. Low drone & string orchestra ... Naturkatastrophe toxisch beunruhigend bedrückend ... F 68
CEO2139 Moonless Night on the Plain
[CEO2139 - 10]
0 2'35 Bruno Alexiu Dark, intermittent & descriptive. Repetitive cello ensemble with echo ... trostlos Schicksal Naturkatastrophe erzählend ... Gb 70
CEO2139 Lament for the Earth
[CEO2139 - 9]
0 3'09 Bruno Alexiu Contemplative, lyrical, emotional, beautiful & panoramic. Female ... Frauen ethnische Stimmen bewegend Soundtrack Dokufiktion ... Gm 62
CEO2139 The Echo of the Valleys
[CEO2139 - 8]
0 2'17 Bruno Alexiu Peaceful, pastoral & narrative. Piano with reverb fx & loop with ... fx delay erzählend verträumt Soundtrack ... D 105
CEO2139 The Frozen Rivers
[CEO2139 - 6]
0 2'39 Bruno Alexiu Pensive, contemplative, sad & nagging. String orchestra, duduk & ... Schicksal Dokufiktion bewegend panoramabild ... E 69
CEO2139 Women of Zanskar
[CEO2139 - 1]
2 2'44 Bruno Alexiu Emotional, majestic, beautiful & contemplative. String orchestra with ... Dokufiktion Zentralasien Duduk bewegend ... Gbm 100
CEO2139 Women of Zanskar Alternate 1
[CEO2139 - 15]
0 2'52 Bruno Alexiu Alternate version with pizzicato strings. klassische Hollywoodfilme Streichorchester Soundtrack sentimental ... Bb 151
CEO2139 Women of Zanskar Alternate 2
[CEO2139 - 16]
0 2'14 Bruno Alexiu Narrative & sparse alternate version with strings, harp & duduk. Geopolitik erzählend panoramabild pastoral ... Bm 72
CEO2139 Wind in the Fields
[CEO2139 - 2]
0 2'21 Bruno Alexiu Whirling, windy, exhilarating, panoramic & pastoral. Lyrical @ 1'26. ... majestätisch Soundtrack das weite Meer Streichorchester ... Bm 132
CEO2139 Beauty of Nature
[CEO2139 - 3]
0 3'20 Bruno Alexiu Emotional, inspirational, beautiful, lyrical & contemplative. Lead ... bewegend Dokufiktion Geopolitik lyrisch ... Em 117
CEO2139 The Silence of the Wilderness
[CEO2139 - 5]
2 2'17 Bruno Alexiu Lyrical, suspended, moving, descriptive & contemplative. String ... Naturkatastrophe Schicksal bewegend panoramabild ... Am 65
CEO2139 The Silence of the Wilderness ...
[CEO2139 - 17]
0 2'31 Bruno Alexiu Narrative alternate version with piano & low drone. Strings @ 1'12 & ... Naturkatastrophe Drone Music fx reverb abwartend ... Am 72
CEO2139 The Silence of the Wilderness ...
[CEO2139 - 18]
0 2'21 Bruno Alexiu Narrative alternate & sparse version with low drone & strings. ... Naturkatastrophe Spannung luftig Filmmusik ... Fm 75
CEO2139 Storms of Life
[CEO2139 - 4]
0 2'19 Bruno Alexiu determined, animated, percussive & conquering. String orchestra & ... episch Actionfilme Abenteuerspiele kraftvoll & imposant ... Bm 110
CEZ4503 RIP Ceremony
[CEZ4503 - 33]
2 3'25 Bruno Alexiu Rest in Peace ceremony. Sad, reflective & restrained. Solo organ in a ... Kirchenorgel Beerdigung religiöse Feierlichkeiten zeremoniell ... Dm 113
CEZ4503 RIP Ceremony Alternate 1
[CEZ4503 - 98]
0 3'26 Bruno Alexiu In a cathedral environment. Kirchenorgel religiöse Feierlichkeiten Beerdigung zeremoniell ... Dm 118
CEZ4503 RIP Ceremony Alternate 2
[CEZ4503 - 99]
0 3'25 Bruno Alexiu In a church environment. Kirchenorgel religiöse Feierlichkeiten Beerdigung zeremoniell ... Dm 110
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