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Piano & Strings

A beautiful and soft album of reflective piano and strings inspired by Scandinavian landscapes. Panoramic Nordic skyline emotions.

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Album Titel Versions Länge Komponist/Autor Beschreibung Suchbegriffe Key BPM
AUD035 Oulanka
[AUD035 - 1]
2'29 Gaetan Maire Moving yet hopeful. Peaceful piano and emotional strings. Endless ... kalte Wüstenlandschaft introspektiv Filmmusik bewegend ... C 89
AUD035 Oulanka Edit
[AUD035 - 6]
Vers. 0'48 Gaetan Maire 50 second cut. kalte Wüstenlandschaft introspektiv Filmmusik bewegend ... C 86
AUD035 Yllas
[AUD035 - 2]
1'58 Gaetan Maire Like a delicate game of hide and seek between a delicate piano and ... Filmmusik vertraut akustisches Klavier raffiniert ... Dm 60
AUD035 Yllas Edit
[AUD035 - 7]
Vers. 0'31 Gaetan Maire 30 second cut. Filmmusik vertraut akustisches Klavier raffiniert ... Bb 60
AUD035 Aland
[AUD035 - 3]
2'19 Gaetan Maire Moving and dignified. Reflective strings and gentle piano. Noble ... bewegend Meeresboden melancholisch orchestral score ... Dbm 62
AUD035 Aland Edit
[AUD035 - 8]
Vers. 0'46 Gaetan Maire 40 second cut. bewegend Meeresboden melancholisch orchestral score ... Dbm 98
AUD035 Koli
[AUD035 - 4]
1'54 Gaetan Maire Heartfelt and elegant. Delicate piano and emotional strings. Cello @ ... ruhig Regenwald orchestral score panoramabild ... Bm 109
AUD035 Koli Edit
[AUD035 - 9]
Vers. 0'24 Gaetan Maire 15 second cut. ruhig Regenwald orchestral score panoramabild ... Bm 110
AUD035 Uto
[AUD035 - 5]
2'03 Gaetan Maire Hopeful and positive. Bright delicate piano and smooth strings with ... raffiniert Soundtrack Liebesfilme zart ... Gbm 130
AUD035 Uto Edit
[AUD035 - 10]
Vers. 0'20 Gaetan Maire 15 second cut. raffiniert Soundtrack Liebesfilme zart ... Dbm 129
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