Text ... Funeral & tragical. Choirs and symphony orchestra.
Dies iræ, dies illa,Solvet sæclum in favílla,Teste David cum Sibýlla !Quantus tremor est futúrus,quando judex est ventúrus,cuncta stricte discussúrus !Tuba mirum spargens sonumper sepúlcra regiónum,coget omnes ante thronum.Mors stupébit et Natúra,cum resúrget creatúra,judicánti responsúra.Liber scriptus proferétur,in quo totum continétur,unde Mundus judicétur.Judex ergo cum sedébit,quidquid latet apparébit,nihil inúltum remanébit.Quid sum miser tunc dictúrus ?Quem patrónum rogatúrus,cum vix justus sit secúrus ?Rex treméndæ majestátis,qui salvándos salvas gratis,salva me, fons pietátis.Recordáre, Jesu pie,quod sum causa tuæ viæ ;ne me perdas illa die.Quærens me, sedísti lassus,redemísti crucem passus,tantus labor non sit cassus.Juste Judex ultiónis,donum fac remissiónisante diem ratiónis.Ingemísco, tamquam reus,culpa rubet vultus meus,supplicánti parce Deus.Qui Maríam absolvísti,et latrónem exaudísti,mihi quoque spem dedísti.Preces meæ non sunt dignæ,sed tu bonus fac benígne,ne perénni cremer igne.Inter oves locum præsta,et ab hædis me sequéstra,státuens in parte dextra.Confutátis maledíctis,flammis ácribus addíctis,voca me cum benedíctis.Oro supplex et acclínis,cor contrítum quasi cinis,gere curam mei finis.Lacrimósa dies illa,qua resúrget ex favíllajudicándus homo reus.Huic ergo parce, Deus.Pie Jesu Dómine,dona eis réquiem. Amen.
Text ... Mystical & happy. Choirs and symphony orchestra.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!The kingdom of this world Is become the kingdom of our Lord, And of His Christ, and of His Christ; And He shall reign for ever and ever, For ever and ever, forever and ever,King of kings, and Lord of lords, King of kings, and Lord of lords,
And Lord of lords, And He shall reign, And He shall reign forever and ever, King of kings, forever and ever, And Lord of lords, Hallelujah! Hallelujah!And He shall reign forever and ever, King of kings! and Lord of lords! And He shall reign forever and ever, King of kings! and Lord of lords! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Text ... From the coronation anthems. Theme @ 1'12. Mystical & stirring. ...From the coronation anthems. Theme @ 1'12. Mystical & stirring. Choirs and symphony orchestra.
Zadok the priest And Nathan the prophet Anointed Soloman, kingAnd all the people Rejoiced.And all the people (Alleluia) Rejoiced.Zadok the priest And Nathan the prophet Anointed Soloman, king
From the coronation anthems. Mystical & stirring. Choirs and symphony ...From the coronation anthems. Mystical & stirring. Choirs and symphony orchestra.
Text ... Solemn & determined. Choirs, trumpets and symphony orchestra.
POPOLOGloria all'Egitto e ad IsideChe il sacro suol protegge;Al Re che il Delta reggeInni festosi alziam!Vieni, o guerriero vindice,Vieni a gioir con noi;Sul passo degli eroiI lauri e i fior versiam! DONNES'intrecci il loto al lauroSul crin dei vincitoriNembo gentil di fioriStenda sull'armi un vel.Danziam, fanciulle egizie,Le mistiche carole,Come d'intorno al soleDanzano gli astri in ciel! SACERDOTESSEDella vittoria gli arbitriSupremi il guardo ergete;Grazie agli Dei rendeteNel fortunato dì.
Faust - Gloire immortelle de ...Faust - Gloire immortelle de nos aïeux [MIL032 - 15]
Charles Gounod
Text ... Determined & happy. Choirs and symphony orchestra.
Gloire immortelle De nos aïeux, Sois-nous fidèle, Mourons comme eux! Et sous ton aile, Soldats vainqueurs, Dirige nos pas, enflamme nos coeurs!
Pour toi, mère patrie, Affrontant le sort, Tes fils, l'âme aguerrie, Ont bravé la mort! Ta voix sainte nous crie: En avant, soldats! Le fer à la main, courez aux combats!
Gloire immortelle De nos aïeux, Sois-nous fidèle, Mourons comme eux! Et sous ton aile, Soldats vainqueurs, Dirige nos pas, enflamme nos coeurs!
Vers nos foyers, hâtons le pas! On nous attend; la paix est faite! Plus de soupirs! ne tardons pas! Notre pays nous tend les bras! L'amour nous rit! l'amour nous fête! Et plus d'un coeur frémit tout bas Au souvenir de nos combats!
Gloire immortelle De nos aïeux, Sois-nous fidèle, Mourons comme eux! Et sous ton aile, Soldats vainqueurs, Dirige nos pas, Dirige nos pas, Enflamme nos coeurs!
Le Tannhaüser - Choeurs des ...Le Tannhaüser - Choeurs des pèlerins [MIL032 - 18]
Richard Wagner
Text ... Rise @ 2'16. Solemn & wandering. Male choirs and symphony orchestra.
Von Rom zurück erwartet sie die Pilger,
schon fällt das Laub, die Heimkehr steht bevor : kehrt er mit den Begnadigten zurück ?
Dies ist ihr Fragen, dies ihr Flehen,
ihr Heil'gen, lasst erfüllt es sehen !
Bleibt auch die Wunde ungeheilt,
O, würd' ihr Lind'rung nur ertheilt !
Als er weiter hinabsteigen will, vernimmt er aus der Ferne den Gesang der älteren Pilger sich nähern ; er hält abermals an.
(erhebt sich, dem Gesange lauschend)
Ihr Heil'gen, zeigt mir jetzt mein Amt, dass ich mit Würde es erfülle !
(während der Gesang sich langsam nähert) O Himmel, stärke jetzt ihr Herz für die Entscheidung ihres Lebens!
(mit welchem diese anfangs aus der Ferne sich nähern, dann von dem Vordergrunde rechts her die Bühne erreichen, und das Tal entlang der Wartburg zu ziehen, bis sie hinter dem Bergvorsprunge im Hintergrunde verschwinden.)
Beglückt darf nun dich, o Heimat, ich schauen,
und grüssen froh deine lieblichen Auen ; nun lass' ich ruhn den Wanderstab,
weil Gott getreu ich gepilgert hab'.
Durch Sühn' und Buss' hab' ich versöhnt den Herren, dem mein Herze frönt,
der meine Reu' mit Segen krönt,
den Herren, dem mein Lied ertönt.
Der Gnade Heil ist dem Büsser beschieden, er geht einst ein in der Seligen Frieden !
Vor Höll' und Tod ist ihm nicht bang,
drum preis' ich Gott mein Lebelang. Halleluja ! Halleluja in Ewigkeit, in Ewigkeit!
Le trouvère - Choeur des ...Le trouvère - Choeur des forgerons [MIL032 - 21]
Giuseppe Verdi
Text ... Stirring & determined. Choir and symphony orchestra.
Vedi! le fosche notturne spoglie De' cieli sveste l'immensa volta; Sembra una vedova che alfin si toglie I bruni panni ond'era involta. All'opra, all'opra! Dagli! Martella! Chi del gitano i giorni abbella? La zingarella.
Versami un tratto: lena e coraggio, il corpo e l'anima traggon dal bere. Oh guarda del sole un raggio brilla piú vivido nel tuo bicchiere! All'opra, all'opra! Dagli! Martella! Chi del gitano i giorni abbella?
Text ... Mystical & solemn. Choir and symphony orchestra.
Panis angelicusfit panis hominum;Dat panis coelicusfiguris terminum:O res mirabilis!manducat DominumPauper, servus, et humilis.Te trina Deitasunaque poscimus:Sic nos tu visita,sicut te colimus;Per tuas semitasduc nos quo tendimus,Ad lucem quam inhabitas.Amen.
From the Mass with three voices op.12.Mystical & solemn. Choir and ...From the Mass with three voices op.12.Mystical & solemn. Choir and symphony orchestra.
Text ... Solemn & refined. Choir, harpsichord and symphony orchestra.
Jesus, joy of man's desiring Holy wisdom, love most bright Drawn by Thee, our souls aspiring Soar to uncreated lightWord of God, our flesh that fashioned With the fire of life impassioned Striving still to truth unknown Soaring, dying round Thy throne Jesus, joy of man's desiringHoly wisdom, love most bright Drawn by Thee, our souls aspiring Soar to uncreated lightWord of God, our flesh that fashioned With the fire of life impassioned Striving still to truth unknown Soaring, dying round Thy throne
Gloria RV 589 - Gloria in ...Gloria RV 589 - Gloria in excelsis Deo [MIL032 - 30]
Antonio Vivaldi
Text ... Confident & stirring. Choir and symphony orchestra.
Gloria, gloria, gloria, gloriaIn excelsis Deo, in excelsis Deo,Gloria, gloria, gloria, gloria in excelsis Deo,Gloria, gloria in excelsis Deo,Gloria in excelsis, Gloria in excelsis Deo,Gloria in excelsis Deo,In excelsis,Gloria in excelsis Deo!
Text ... Mystical & peaceful. Choir, church organ and symphony orchestra.
Ave, ave verum Corpus Natum de Maria VirgineVere passum, immolatum In cruce pro homineCujus latus perforatum Fluxit aqua et sanguineEsto nobis praegustatum Mortis in examine In mortis in examine
Text ... From the book of Psalms of the Bible. Mystical & sorry. Choir and ...From the book of Psalms of the Bible. Mystical & sorry. Choir and symphony orchestra.
Miserere mei, Deus: secundum magnam misericordiam tuam. Et secundum multitudinem miserationum tuarum, dele iniquitatem meam. Amplius lava me ab iniquitate mea: et a peccato meo munda me. Quoniam iniquitatem meam ego cognosco: et peccatum meum contra me est semper. Tibi soli peccavi, et malum coram te feci: ut justificeris in sermonibus tuis, et vincas cum judicaris. Ecce enim in iniquitatibus conceptus sum: et in peccatis concepit me mater mea. Ecce enim veritatem dilexisti: incerta et occulta sapientiae tuae manifestasti mihi. Asperges me hysopo, et mundabor: lavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor. Auditui meo dabis gaudium et laetitiam: et exsultabunt ossa humiliata. Averte faciem tuam a peccatis meis: et omnes iniquitates meas dele. Cor mundum crea in me, Deus: et spiritum rectum innova in visceribus meis. Ne proiicias me a facie tua: et spiritum sanctum tuum ne auferas a me. Redde mihi laetitiam salutaris tui: et spiritu principali confirma me. Docebo iniquos vias tuas: et impii ad te convertentur. Libera me de sanguinibus, Deus, Deus salutis meae: et exsultabit lingua mea justitiam tuam. Domine, labia mea aperies: et os meum annuntiabit laudem tuam. Quoniam si voluisses sacrificium, dedissem utique: holocaustis non delectaberis. Sacrificium Deo spiritus contribulatus: cor contritum, et humiliatum, Deus, non despicies. Benigne fac, Domine, in bona voluntate tua Sion: ut aedificentur muri Ierusalem. Tunc acceptabis sacrificium justitiae, oblationes, et holocausta: tunc imponent super altare tuum vitulos.
From the book of Psalms of the Bible. Mystical & sorry. Choir and ...From the book of Psalms of the Bible. Mystical & sorry. Choir and symphony orchestra.
From the Second part. Also called "Messiah". Solemn & confident. ...From the Second part. Also called "Messiah". Solemn & confident. Choir, harpsichord and symphony orchestra.