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The essence of anticipation evokes a sense of patience and calm, yet beneath the surface lies a subtle tension and unease, as the future feels uncertain. This bittersweet balance weaves a sonic landscape where waiting becomes a deeply introspective and quietly haunting experience.

Weitere Alben

Album Titel Vers. Länge Komponist/Autor Beschreibung Suchbegriffe Key BPM
CEG5048 In Search of Truth
[CEG5048 - 1]
1 2'50 Antoine Glatard Suspended, introspective, melancholic & questioning. Piano, ... bewegend Abwartend erzählend Resilienz ... Gm 104
CEG5048 In Search of Truth Alternate
[CEG5048 - 15]
0 2'50 Antoine Glatard Alternate minimalist version bewegend erzählend ruhig konstant ... Gm 104
CEG5048 Time is on our Side
[CEG5048 - 2]
1 1'59 Antoine Glatard Peaceful, pensive, pastoral & confident. Keyboard, ticking ... Gartenarbeit Abwartend geduldig Handwerk ... G 104
CEG5048 Time is on our Side Alternate
[CEG5048 - 16]
0 1'58 Antoine Glatard Alternate minimalist version geduldig ruhig schlicht Gartenarbeit ... G 104
CEG5048 Stepping Back in Time
[CEG5048 - 3]
2 2'03 Baptiste Thiry Mysterious, suspended, moving & nostalgic. Piano with reverse effect, ... introspektiv unabhängiges amerikanische Kino flashback hypnotisch ... D 100
CEG5048 Stepping Back in Time ...
[CEG5048 - 17]
0 1'55 Baptiste Thiry Alternate minimalist version introspektiv flashback hypnotisch Underscore ... D 100
CEG5048 Stepping Back in Time ...
[CEG5048 - 18]
0 1'52 Baptiste Thiry Alternate minimalist version unabhängiges amerikanische Kino flashback introspektiv Underscore ... D 100
CEG5048 Evidence is Mounting
[CEG5048 - 4]
1 1'51 Antoine Glatard Disturbing, punctuated, expectant, mysterious & serious. Strings & ... Politik Abwartend fragend investigativ ... Gm 104
CEG5048 Evidence is Mounting Alternate
[CEG5048 - 19]
0 1'52 Antoine Glatard Alternate minimalist version Soundtrack sozialkritisch Abwartend Politik ... G 104
CEG5048 Hanging Time
[CEG5048 - 5]
2 1'55 Julien Vega Atmospheric, dreamy, anticipating & peaceful. Piano, electronics & ... Abwartend geduldig fragend Zeit (Ticken) ... E 106
CEG5048 Hanging Time Alternate 1
[CEG5048 - 20]
0 1'55 Julien Vega Alternate minimalist version introspektiv Soundtrack bewegend Abwartend ... E 71
CEG5048 Hanging Time Alternate 2
[CEG5048 - 21]
0 1'55 Julien Vega Alternate minimalist version Abwartend geduldig fragend Zeit (Ticken) ... E 106
CEG5048 Expectant Hours
[CEG5048 - 6]
1 2'04 Antoine Glatard Naive, tender, delicate & reflective with a touch of nostalgia. Piano ... Soundtrack Kindheit introspektiv naiv ... Em 118
CEG5048 Expectant Hours Alternate
[CEG5048 - 22]
0 2'04 Antoine Glatard Alternate minimalist version Kindheit erzählend zärtlich Soundtrack ... Em 118
CEG5048 Investigation in Progress
[CEG5048 - 7]
1 2'04 Antoine Glatard Suspensful, urgent, fast, intriguing & determined. Piano, strings & ... Abwartend investigativ Spannung Zeit (Ticken) ... Dm 118
CEG5048 Investigation in Progress ...
[CEG5048 - 23]
0 2'01 Antoine Glatard Alternate minimalist version Zeit (Ticken) Abwartend mysteriös historische Erzählung ... Dm 118
CEG5048 Expectation and Destiny
[CEG5048 - 8]
1 1'52 Antoine Glatard Repetitive, simple, intimate, anticipating, cyclic & constant. ... zyklisch sozialkritisch Soundtrack Schicksal ... Dm 118
CEG5048 Expectation and Destiny ...
[CEG5048 - 24]
0 1'51 Antoine Glatard Alternate minimalist version Soundtrack rigoros zyklisch Schicksal ... Dm 118
CEG5048 Doubt and Reflexion
[CEG5048 - 9]
1 1'55 Antoine Glatard Disturbing, uncertain, mysterious, suspended & anticipating. ... Abwartend Soundtrack Justizdrama beunruhigend ... Ab 118
CEG5048 Doubt and Reflexion Alternate
[CEG5048 - 25]
0 1'52 Antoine Glatard Alternate minimalist version beunruhigend Justizdrama mysteriös Soundtrack ... Ab 118
CEG5048 Private Life
[CEG5048 - 10]
0 1'47 Antoine Glatard Melancholic, hesitant, waving & introspective. Piano & synth strings. ... Naturkatastrophe introspektiv sozialkritisch traurig ... Am 123
CEG5048 Lost Expectation
[CEG5048 - 11]
2 2'06 Julien Vega Solitary, suspended, misty, trembling & insidious. Layers of synth, ... trostlos Abwartend abwartend mysteriös ... Fm 60
CEG5048 Lost Expectation Alternate 1
[CEG5048 - 26]
0 2'03 Julien Vega Alternate minimalist version trostlos mysteriös sozialkritisch abwartend ... Fm 60
CEG5048 Lost Expectation Alternate 2
[CEG5048 - 27]
0 2'06 Julien Vega Alternate minimalist version trostlos abwartend mysteriös schlicht ... Fm 118
CEG5048 In the Middle of Nowhere
[CEG5048 - 12]
1 2'06 Antoine Glatard Wandering, mysterious, dark, desolate, toxic & disturbing. Synth ... atmosphärisch Soundtrack konstant sozialkritisch ... G 118
CEG5048 In the Middle of Nowhere ...
[CEG5048 - 28]
0 2'06 Antoine Glatard Alternate minimalist version atmosphärisch Soundtrack konstant sozialkritisch ... G 118
CEG5048 Vain Expectation
[CEG5048 - 13]
3 2'18 Baptiste Thiry Questioning, doubtful & restrained. Strings, piano, synth pad, ... Abwartend sozialkritisch geduldig Zeit (Ticken) ... Cm 105
CEG5048 Vain Expectation Alternate 1
[CEG5048 - 29]
0 1'32 Baptiste Thiry Alternate minimalist version sozialkritisch konstant investigativ erzählend ... Cm 105
CEG5048 Vain Expectation Alternate 2
[CEG5048 - 30]
0 2'13 Baptiste Thiry Alternate minimalist version konstant Justizdrama erzählend sozialkritisch ... Cm 99
CEG5048 Vain Expectation Alternate 3
[CEG5048 - 31]
0 1'27 Baptiste Thiry Alternate minimalist version erzählend geduldig konstant schlicht ... C 104
CEG5048 The Inquiry Goes Wild
[CEG5048 - 14]
1 1'25 Antoine Glatard Desolate, wandering, mysterious, dark & questioning. Decided, fast & ... Justizdrama zeitgenössische Geschichte Soundtrack sozialkritisch ... D 104
CEG5048 The Inquiry Goes Wild ...
[CEG5048 - 32]
0 1'20 Antoine Glatard Alternate minimalist version Justizdrama zeitgenössische Geschichte Soundtrack sozialkritisch ... D 104
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