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Suchbegriffe :

Album Titel Vers. Länge Komponist/Autor Beschreibung Suchbegriffe Key BPM
CCB1062 Spacetime
[CCB1062 - 4]
0 2'35 Antoine Glatard Suspended, anticipating & introspective then cyclic, exhilarating & ... introspektiv Resilienz Filmmusik Schicksal ... Ebm 60
CCB1062 Morning Star
[CCB1062 - 5]
0 2'43 Antoine Glatard Peaceful, intimate, empathic, narrative & resilient. Piano & ... vertraut verträumt Balladen ruhig ... Gb 62
CCB1062 Land of our Forfathers
[CCB1062 - 6]
0 2'22 Antoine Glatard Touching, soulful, solemn, patriotic & nostalgic. Violin, cello, ... bewegend introspektiv melancholisch ergreifend ... G 76
CCB1062 Into Dreams
[CCB1062 - 7]
0 2'28 Antoine Glatard Ethereal & reflective. Alternating moments of suspense & animated. ... Soundtrack abwartend introspektiv mysteriös ... Fm 106
CCB1062 A Certain Feeling
[CCB1062 - 8]
0 2'13 Antoine Glatard Suspended, melancholic, sensitive, spare & narrative. Piano & violin. ... Chinesischer Film zart bewegend abwartend ... Am 90
CCB1062 Quiet Inevitability
[CCB1062 - 9]
0 2'15 Antoine Glatard Quiet, flowing, pastoral, romantic & cyclic. Piano, light percussion ... flüssig introspektiv melancholisch Kamerafahrt ... Eb 104
CCB1062 The Voyage
[CCB1062 - 10]
0 2'19 Antoine Glatard Restrained, pensive & solemn but with a note of hope. Cello, violin, ... Resilienz Schicksal bewegend introspektiv ... Cm 65
CCB1062 A Compassionate Prayer
[CCB1062 - 11]
0 2'30 Antoine Glatard Moving, emphatic, thoughtful, narrative & peaceful. Piano, clarinet, ... bewegend vertraut introspektiv Resilienz ... Ab 68
CCB1062 Out of Times
[CCB1062 - 12]
0 2'15 Antoine Glatard Peaceful, thoughtful, restrained, sparse, empathic & in suspended. ... ruhig vertraut introspektiv bewegend ... Cm 73
CCB1062 Enlightened Dreams
[CCB1062 - 13]
0 2'22 Antoine Glatard Reflective, introspective, pensive & narrative with a mystical ... vertraut introspektiv Land & Garten Liebesfilme ... Ab 101
CCB1062 Intimate Wounds
[CCB1062 - 14]
0 2'24 Antoine Glatard Interrogative, sparse, narrative, minimalist & suspended. Piano & ... Kunst fragend akustisches Klavier zart ... Gm 82
CCB1062 A Private Invocation
[CCB1062 - 15]
0 2'15 Antoine Glatard Serene, inspirational, emotional, celestial & mystical. Piano & ... atmosphärisch ruhig nächtlich Ambient ... F 70
CCB1062 Tears of Remembrance
[CCB1062 - 16]
0 2'24 Antoine Glatard Sad, sparse, desolate, introspective, sparse, narrative & bleak. ... trostlos ziellos introspektiv melancholisch ... Dm 67
CCB1062 Angels
[CCB1062 - 17]
0 2'28 Antoine Glatard Celestial, magical, inspiring & fairytale-like. Choir, electronics & ... Weltraum Programmierung atmosphärisch ruhig ... C 111
CEO2160 Somewhere Out There
[CEO2160 - 1]
1 2'21 Erwann Chandon Melancholy, introspective, captivating & moving. Ronroco, layer & ... ronroco Soundtrack panoramabild Kamerafahrt ... Em 136
CEO2160 Somewhere Out There Alternate
[CEO2160 - 10]
0 6'29 Erwann Chandon Alternate long version. ronroco Soundtrack panoramabild Kamerafahrt ... Em 135
CEO2160 An Empty Railway Station
[CEO2160 - 2]
1 3'02 Erwann Chandon Lonely, nostalgic, lyrical & contemplative. Train fx, felt piano & ... zyklisch Soundtrack introspektiv Nu Piano ... Am 116
CEO2160 An Empty Railway Station ...
[CEO2160 - 11]
0 2'47 Erwann Chandon Alternate without train fx. zyklisch Soundtrack introspektiv Nu Piano ... Am 117
CEO2160 Train Window Panorama
[CEO2160 - 3]
0 1'40 Erwann Chandon Tender, delicate, romantic & lyrical. Piano, string ensemble, harp, ... Soundtrack charmant zuversichtlich Schicksal ... Dm 110
CEO2160 The Age of Steam
[CEO2160 - 4]
1 2'05 Erwann Chandon Menacing, growling, punctuated & determined. Strings, brass & ... kriegerisch historischer Konflikt beunruhigend unerbittlich ... Cm 89
CEO2160 The Age of Steam Alternate
[CEO2160 - 12]
0 2'39 Erwann Chandon Alternate long version. historischer Konflikt Kriegsfilm kriegerisch beunruhigend ... Cm 90
CEO2160 The Conquest of Speed
[CEO2160 - 5]
0 2'23 Erwann Chandon Cyclical, tormented, inexorable & whirlwind. Stacatto strings, ... episch Filmmusik energisch begeisternd ... Cm 178
CEO2160 Journey Into the Past
[CEO2160 - 6]
0 1'35 Erwann Chandon Bouncy, naive, childish, old-fashioned & bucolic. Romantic @ 0'26. ... altmodisch schwungvoll sorglos ironisch & schelmisch ... C 144
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