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Suchbegriffe :

Album Titel Vers. Länge Komponist/Autor Beschreibung Suchbegriffe Key BPM
ISC013 Addicted to Life
[ISC013 - 7]
0 1'55 Brian Delgado Hybrid electro & trailer track. Eccentric & energetic intro ... eindringlich schlagend Extremsport Kampfsport aggressiv ... Cm 100
ISC013 Light Up the Sky
[ISC013 - 8]
1 1'48 Brian Delgado Swagger & eccentric with an exotic touch. Electro track with dancing ... cinematic beat Actionfilme grollend kraftvoll & imposant ... Gm 128
ISC013 Light Up the Sky Alternate
[ISC013 - 14]
0 1'48 Brian Delgado Alternate without percussion. Attitüde Bläser Arrangement Mannschaftssport Trailer ... Gm 128
ISC013 Hyperactive
[ISC013 - 9]
1 2'08 Brian Delgado Hybrid & electro track with a deceptively retained intro. Synth, drum ... mitreißend Extremsport Kampfsport Trailer aggressiv ... Ebm 150
ISC013 Hyperactive Alternate
[ISC013 - 15]
0 2'08 Brian Delgado Alternate without percussion. mitreißend Extremsport Kampfsport aggressiv eindringlich ... Eb 150
ISC013 Born to Lead
[ISC013 - 10]
1 1'52 Brian Delgado Confident & forceful intro building-up to a hybrid & electro track. ... cinematic beat eindringlich schlagend Extremsport Kampfsport ... Dbm 100
ISC013 Born to Lead Alternate
[ISC013 - 16]
0 1'52 Brian Delgado Alternate without percussion. triumphierend Attitüde eindringlich Progression ... Dbm 100
EOS78 Flight to Nowhere
[EOS78 - 1]
0 1'30 Esteban Fernandez Mysterious, atmospheric & cinematic. Soundscape with synth. Suggested ... atmosphärisch abwartend Weltraum ruhig ... C 163
EOS78 The New Atlantis
[EOS78 - 2]
0 2'48 Esteban Fernandez Stubborn, tense & powerful. Analog synth & pulse. Suggested for space ... Synthetizer energisch cybernetics begeisternd ... Abm 113
EOS78 Meta Love
[EOS78 - 3]
0 2'03 Esteban Fernandez Abyssal intro then sparse & delicate piano. Wet & cold. Growling. atmosphärisch abwartend mysteriös Weltraum ... C 72
EOS78 Out of this World
[EOS78 - 4]
0 2'09 Esteban Fernandez Disturbing & obstinate analog synth arpeggios. Mystic choir from ... fantastisches Kino Filmmusik dark ambient unerbittlich ... C 84
EOS78 Paradise Found
[EOS78 - 5]
0 2'42 Esteban Fernandez Atmospheric soundscape with vocal texture. Steady & mystical. atmosphärisch abwartend Weltraum Meeresboden ... Db 83
EOS78 Incredible Universe
[EOS78 - 6]
0 1'42 Esteban Fernandez Toxic, disturbing & obstinate. Electronics & strange voices. beunruhigend investigativ mysteriös toxisch ... Dbm 120
EOS78 Brain Game
[EOS78 - 7]
0 2'39 Esteban Fernandez Strange, shrill & metallic. Constant. Sound design & distant voices. beunruhigend mysteriös paranormal Naturkatastrophe ... Am 144
EOS78 Weak Signal
[EOS78 - 8]
0 1'28 Esteban Fernandez Dystopian, tense & abyssal. Like a scrambled signal. Sound design. erschreckend beunruhigend Sound Design mysteriös ... F 163
EOS78 Strange Discovery
[EOS78 - 9]
0 3'12 Esteban Fernandez Mysterious soundscape then tense. Encounter with strangeness. ... mysteriös kalte Wüstenlandschaft trostlos Naturkatastrophe ... D 163
EOS78 A.I. Voices
[EOS78 - 10]
0 2'58 Esteban Fernandez Reverberating soundscape with mystical voice texture. Mysterious, ... atmosphärisch abwartend mysteriös Weltraum ... Bm 90
CEO2142 A Long Friendship
[CEO2142 - 1]
0 1'56 Baptiste Thiry Melancholic but with tenderness & confidence. String orchestra, ... Soundtrack zärtlich Kindheit Spanien ... Dm 89
CEO2142 Life as a Film
[CEO2142 - 2]
0 2'08 Baptiste Thiry Nostalgic, exotic, sentimental & tender rumba. Spanish guitar, ... Spanien Rumba zärtlich schaukelnd ... Dm 122
CEO2142 Simple Stories of People
[CEO2142 - 3]
0 1'54 Baptiste Thiry Romantic, sentimental & moving bolero. Spanish guitar, Latin ... bewegend Andalusien Bolero Kindheit ... Dm 112
CEO2142 El Camino de la Creacion
[CEO2142 - 4]
0 1'48 Baptiste Thiry Hesitant, introspective & melancholic. Spanish guitar, Latin ... Kindheit schüchtern Soundtrack charmant ... Em 83
CEO2142 Un Nino de La Mancha
[CEO2142 - 5]
0 1'55 Baptiste Thiry Easy, narrative & moving. Spanish guitar, piano & strings evolving ... Soundtrack bewegend zuversichtlich erzählend ... G 143
CEO2142 Las Noches de Madrid
[CEO2142 - 6]
0 2'08 Baptiste Thiry Urban & nocturnal wandering. Bass guitar, drums, funky guitar, ... Beat Making Stadtlandschaft groovy gehend ... Gm 81
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