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Suchbegriffe :

Album Titel Vers. Länge Komponist/Autor Beschreibung Suchbegriffe Key BPM
CEZ4571 Based on a True Story
[CEZ4571 - 12]
0 4'04 Antoine Berquet Contemporary classical music. Narrative, evolving & introspective. ... erzählend Schicksal introspektiv akustisches Klavier ... Fm 123
CEZ4571 Whatever
[CEZ4571 - 13]
1 2'58 Dorian Delom, Aurélien Rivière Indie rock. Catchy, driving & lively. Rock band. Recommended for ... Indie-Rock alternativer Rock Jugendserien Schicksal energisch ... Em 125
CEZ4571 Whatever Alternate
[CEZ4571 - 23]
0 2'58 Dorian Delom, Aurélien Rivière Alternate without FX. Indie-Rock alternativer Rock Schicksal energisch Jugendserien ... Em 125
CEZ4571 Black and White Photo
[CEZ4571 - 14]
0 2'18 Colo Colo Cinematic. Nostalgic, sad & suspended. Piano, mellotron & strings. ... atmosphärisch Schicksal flashback erzählend ... Am 110
CEZ4571 Halos
[CEZ4571 - 15]
0 3'07 GASTON DDD Electronica. Shiny, serious & repetitive. Modular synth. Recommended ... Analoger Synthesizer cybernetics Electronica hypnotisch ... Eb 99
CEZ4571 Leaves Will Fall Again
[CEZ4571 - 16]
0 1'55 Joachim Baumerder Contemporary classical music. Nostalgic but with a touch of hope. ... melancholisch vertraut Nu Piano traurig ... Bb 163
CEZ4571 Phoenix Rising
[CEZ4571 - 17]
1 3'01 Thomas Rozes Cinematic. Anticipating, grandiose & panoramic. Cinematic orchestra ... luftig Filmmusik mysteriös Panorama ... Em 60
CEZ4571 Phoenix Rising Alternate
[CEZ4571 - 24]
0 3'00 Thomas Rozes Alternate without percussion. Filmmusik mysteriös atmosphärisch Panorama ... Em 62
CEZ4571 Grandma's Radio
[CEZ4571 - 18]
0 1'45 Raphael Olivier Contemporary classical music. Nostalgic, tender & sensitive. Lo-fi. ... Schicksal introspektiv humain ressources Daylife ... Db 105
CEZ4571 Pantomime
[CEZ4571 - 19]
1 3'55 Camille Petitjean Indie electro. Arty, mechanical & nostalgic. Synth. Recommended for ... introspektiv independent cinema erstickt mechanisch ... Am 60
CEZ4571 Pantomime Alternate
[CEZ4571 - 25]
0 3'06 Camille Petitjean Alternate speed up. introspektiv independent cinema erstickt mechanisch ... Am 80
CEZ4571 Encore
[CEZ4571 - 20]
0 2'43 Aurélien Rivière Cinematic. Cyclic, haunting & building up gradually. String ... konstant schlicht erzählend Underscore ... Cm 74
CEZ4571 When the Bell Tolls
[CEZ4571 - 21]
1 1'45 Joaquim Plossu Cinematic. Urgent, fatal & dramatic. String orchestra with bell & ... Filmmusik energisch historische Erzählung eindringlich ... Gm 104
CEZ4571 When the Bells Toll Alternate
[CEZ4571 - 26]
0 1'45 Joaquim Plossu Alternate without FX. Filmmusik energisch historische Erzählung eindringlich ... Gm 104
CEZ4570 New Day Rising
[CEZ4570 - 1]
1 2'14 Elisabeth Skornik, Guy Skornik First dark & uncertain then majestic & aerial. Drone, woodwinds, ... panoramabild luftig Drone Music Anbruch ... G 118
CEZ4570 New Day Rising Alternate
[CEZ4570 - 35]
0 2'19 Elisabeth Skornik, Guy Skornik Resonant, bright, gentle & minimalist. Piano with echo FX, strings & ... konstant zyklisch schlicht introspektiv ... G 120
CEZ4570 New Day Rising Variation
[CEZ4570 - 2]
0 2'19 Elisabeth Skornik, Guy Skornik Cyclic, both calm, delicate & slightly tense. Piano arpeggio with ... luftig atmosphärisch konstant Drone Music ... G 120
CEZ4570 Danger from the Sky
[CEZ4570 - 3]
1 2'07 Elisabeth Skornik, Guy Skornik Menacing, interrogative, anticipating & intriguing. Constant pulse, ... beunruhigend pulsierend Drone Music Abwartend ... C 120
CEZ4570 Danger from the Sky Alternate
[CEZ4570 - 36]
0 2'05 Elisabeth Skornik, Guy Skornik Resonant, repetitive, claking & minimalist. Keyboard arpeggio, waves ... kristallin Justizdrama beunruhigend zyklisch ... Cm 120
CEZ4570 Danger from the Sky Variation
[CEZ4570 - 4]
0 2'03 Elisabeth Skornik, Guy Skornik Insidious, mysterious, misty & slightly disturbing. Sparkling ... beunruhigend Drone Music mysteriös trostlos ... Cm 60
CEZ4570 Peaceful Flight
[CEZ4570 - 5]
0 2'07 Elisabeth Skornik, Guy Skornik Suspended, constant, contemplative, panormic, majestic & airy . ... majestätisch luftig abwartend friedlich ... D 65
CEZ4570 Peaceful Flight Variation
[CEZ4570 - 6]
0 2'08 Elisabeth Skornik, Guy Skornik Suspended, peaceful, serene, airy, celestial & atmospheric. Drone, ... luftig friedlich abwartend das weite Meer ... Bb 65
CEZ4570 Distant Skyline
[CEZ4570 - 7]
0 2'00 Elisabeth Skornik, Guy Skornik Intriguing, interrogative, airy & panoramic. Drone, sequence, layers ... Panorama organisch electro Time-lapse cybernetics ... Gbm 120
CEZ4570 Distant Skyline Variation
[CEZ4570 - 8]
0 2'00 Elisabeth Skornik, Guy Skornik Mysterious, constant, punctuated & cosmic. Drone, strings, constant ... organisch electro pulsierend Spannung konstant ... Gb 120
CEZ4570 Soaring Free
[CEZ4570 - 9]
1 2'17 Elisabeth Skornik, Guy Skornik Dark introduction building-up with majesty. Then airy, constant & ... majestätisch Drone Music geduldig luftig ... Gm 60
CEZ4570 Soaring Free Alternate
[CEZ4570 - 37]
0 2'39 Elisabeth Skornik, Guy Skornik Deep, dark, terrifying & menacing drone. Keyboard arpeggio at 1'03. konstant zyklisch sozialkritisch ziellos ... Gm 60
CEZ4570 Soaring Free Variation
[CEZ4570 - 10]
0 2'20 Elisabeth Skornik, Guy Skornik Repetitive, peaceful, circular & positive Piano arpeggio, acoustic ... Industrie geduldig zyklisch hell ... G 120
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