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Alla Virtù della Sig. Maria Pignatelli - Unpublished italian baroque cantatas

We therefore featured three cantatas by G. Porsile, each of which has a musical or literary characteristic trait. Also by Mancini, Va sospirando il core is one of the cantatas that can be found in many collections. A. Scarlatti naturally appears in this Neapolitan part of the CD with the cantata Lontananza non risana recorded on a tenor viol. Two other cantatas in the manuscript caught our attention: Poiché più dell’amore, by the Milanese Carlo Antonio Monza, whose vocal music remains extremely poorly known; and the cantata E che più far poss’io by Francesco Gasparini, one of the most important Italian opera composers of the first three decades of the 18th century.

Weitere Alben

Album Titel Versions Länge Komponist/Autor Beschreibung Suchbegriffe Key BPM
CLA3001 Poiché più dell'amore
[CLA3001 - 1]
0 7'02 Carlo Antonio Monza Baroque cantata. Refined & sentimental. Driving @ 5'46. Female singer ... Mezzo-Sopran (Gesang) Barock (1600-1750) 18. Jahrhundert Liebesfilme ... Bm 120
CLA3001 E che più far poss'io
[CLA3001 - 2]
0 7'33 Francesco Gasparini Baroque cantata. Elegant yet melancholic. Female singer ... Mezzo-Sopran (Gesang) Barock (1600-1750) 18. Jahrhundert Cembalo ... Am 129
CLA3001 Arianna infelice
[CLA3001 - 3]
0 10'50 Giuseppe Porsile Baroque cantata. Refined & introspective. Female singer ... Mezzo-Sopran (Gesang) Barock (1600-1750) 18. Jahrhundert Cembalo ... Db 103
CLA3001 Non voglio più catene
[CLA3001 - 4]
0 2'18 Francesco Mancini Baroque cantata. Driving, speed & lively. Female singer ... Mezzo-Sopran (Gesang) Barock (1600-1750) 18. Jahrhundert Cembalo ... Ebm 118
CLA3001 Lontananza non risana
[CLA3001 - 5]
0 5'09 Alessandro Scarlatti Baroque cantata. Sentimental & melancholic. Female singer ... Mezzo-Sopran (Gesang) Barock (1600-1750) 18. Jahrhundert Cembalo ... Dbm 103
CLA3001 Ch'io t'adori o mia Clori
[CLA3001 - 6]
0 7'53 Giuseppe Porsile Baroque cantata. Poignant & sentimental. Female singer Mezzo-soprano, ... Mezzo-Sopran (Gesang) Barock (1600-1750) 18. Jahrhundert Cembalo ... Abm 130
CLA3001 Necessità di fato
[CLA3001 - 7]
0 7'45 Giuseppe Porsile Baroque cantata. Relentless introduction. Refined & fiery. Female ... Mezzo-Sopran (Gesang) Barock (1600-1750) 18. Jahrhundert Cembalo ... Bbm 118
CLA3001 Va sospirando il core
[CLA3001 - 8]
0 10'43 Francesco Mancini Baroque cantata. Elegant, languid & introspective. Female singer ... Mezzo-Sopran (Gesang) Barock (1600-1750) 18. Jahrhundert Cembalo ... Bbm 112
CLA3001 Ch'io da te mi divida
[CLA3001 - 9]
0 4'00 Alessandro Scarlatti Baroque cantata. Melancholic & sad. Female singer Mezzo-soprano & ... Mezzo-Sopran (Gesang) Barock (1600-1750) 18. Jahrhundert lyrisch ... Dm 67
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